Professional ServiceCoreLogicSenior Software Engineer Professional Working at CoreLogic (formerly Intersect/Symbility Intersect/Bnotions), I always encouraged my peers…
Professional ServiceChristie DigitalApplication Developer Wrapped up a legacy product (PowerTool), and reduced communication latency by ~50% for existing lines of Christie…
Professional ServiceXtreme Labs (now Pivotal Labs Toronto)Agile Software Developer At Xtreme, I did a lot of pair programming on a lot of Android, iOS, and some BlackBerry OS projects. Some of the…
Professional ServiceResearch in Motion (now BlackBerry)Software Developer At RIM, I developed native front end interfaces for BB10. Interacted with many teams globally (e.g. Sweden, US), and…
Professional ServiceTimelessMIND (acquired by Sony Ericsson)Mobile/Server Developer I performed a lot of R&D work for a product aiding in surfacing events to a user based on their current location. I…
Professional ServiceFive Mobile (now Zynga Toronto)Mobile QA My first foray into the mobile world. I knew I wanted to go into mobile development, so wanted to thoroughly understand what end…
Professional ServiceIntuit CanadaSoftware Developer At Intuit, my colleague and I helped cut down wasted time on tedious test cases with the glory of automation! Primarily…